How To: Mermaid Sim

By Cantarella - 17:18:00

So, you wanna make a mermaid?

There are four options when it comes to making a mermaid sim, some of course are harder than others. To have a mermaid sim it's important to have installed the expansion pack Island Paradise (no Island Paradise means no mermaid). They are a life state, meaning that you can't simply make them in Create A Sim (CAS).

1. Breed a Mermaid.
This one is a lot more time consuming than the others and in away; pointless. If you've befriended a mermaid (see option 2 on how to do this) enough to have a mermaid baby, then you could have just skipped a step but if you would prefer not to have your main sim turn into a mermaid, than this one is for you.

It's simple. Befriend a mermaid. Sleep with a mermaid. Have a mermaid baby. Now it's a 50/50 chance if only one parent is a mermaid, as is the case with the other life states. So it's easy to see why this would take quite some time.

2. Be Given Kelp
So this is basically the shortcut version of the first option and the easiest to do. You'll need to build up your Snorkelling skill in order to build your Scuba Diving Skill. This gives you the ability to access the Diving Spots and meet mermaids. It might be a bit of work and a bit of luck when it comes to where and how soon you meet a mermaid.

I met a mermaid in Davy Jones' Locker. I met two and each one led me to a chest. Once you see one; greet them. They will end up in your relationships panel. From there you can Signal Mermaid to call them to your house and build up your relationship with them like normal. Once you're good friends with them, take them diving with you. You have to be underwater in order to Ask About Fish Parts.

If your relationship is good enough, the mermaid will give you Mermaid Kelp (it'll appear in your inventory). Eat this and... walah!

4. Buy It With Lifetime Reward Points
You can buy Mermaid Kelp from the Lifetime Rewards section, although it's rather pricey. However, it means you can skip out on everything else. If you have a sim with an aspiration that's making them tons of points then go for it, otherwise it might be the same to just meet a mermaid and friend them.

5. Cheat
You can use various chests in order to become a mermaid. You can:
 - make a mermaid your friend and adjust the relationship bar
 - adjust your diving skill
 - give yourself lifetime reward points
 - add a mermaid sim to the family
 - have an instant baby

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