Using Cheats to Boost Skills (Sims 3)

By Cantarella - 05:48:00

If you don't want to spend the time to build your character and/or just want them pre-prepped with the life you want them to have lived before you start your real gameplay then there's a cheat/mod that you can use.

In Sims 3 you have to go through a small process in order to adjust an individual Sim's skill levels. Although it's not as fast as how it would be done in Sims 2, it's still quite efficient as it gives you a chance to adjust ANY skill for that Sim.

1. Click on your Sim and select the interaction [Nraas] and then select the sub-interaction [Master Controller].

2. A little menu of Nraas Master Controller Cheats will now have come up. You want to select [Advanced] and then [Skill Levels].

3. Click on each skill level you wish to change and make sure it's highlighted. You can click as many as you want and so try to get all of the ones you want to change so you don't have to keep going back and forth. Once you've selected all of the ones you want, hit the tick button.

4. Each skill will come up with it's own small window and ask for you to pick a number between 1 and 10. This is going to be your new skill level. Adjust them as you please and once finished that's it; you're done!

Note: Some skills have a smaller range of numbers so make sure you take notice of them. Once you've adjusted your skills you'll also get a notification for each and if you've adjusted the Martial Arts skill your Sim will go through each uniform. I suggest you let your computer sit for a moment and just work through getting rid of the notifications.

Happy Simming!

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