The Beginning of the Fennel-D'Avoure Family

By Cantarella - 13:28:00

When I created the Fennel-D'Avoure family I only had the two: Thomas D'Avoure and Wyntr Fennel. They started out as roommates, nothing more, and after moving them into some cheap apartment and selling everything within, I sent them to university. Wyntr was aspiring to be a Vocal Legend and so I enrolled her in the Arts course. Thomas was aspiring to be an International Super Spy and so I enrolled him in the Athletics course. I moved them into dorms in order to not pay rent and just focused on their studies.

Whilst at university they became friends with Tiberius. They also became romantically involve after the first term. Wyntr completed her degree in the first semester and graduated top of her class. Thomas returned to university, in the same dorm as Tiberius, and also graduated top of his class.

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