Challenge: Project Olivier Florist ~ Post #11

By Cantarella - 19:37:00

Elena is pregnant again! She has family aspirations and so it's good to keep her in the mood by having children... that sounds so wrong.

New baby, new haircut?

And Charlotte's aged into a teen. She aged quite spectacularly.

She and her room got a bit of a makeover.

New baby is on the way!

And it's another girl: Emily. Meet Emma Emily.

Restocking and holding the baby at the same time? It's an odd glitch. It occurred because he was restocking and Emily's birthday started. I've had some annoying glitches with the baby ageing up.

Just before the baby.

Just after Charlotte turned into a child.

Just after Emily was born.

Charlotte's learning the ropes of the business.

Emily's learning to speak. It's a little difficult to keep everyone happy in the house with an infant but I've managed so far to hit all of the milestones with the babies in time for them to be children.

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