List of Command Bar Cheats

By Cantarella - 18:10:00

These are the basic cheats that you have to enter into the command bar, which is accessible through [Ctrl+Shift+C]. Whilst in game you can view a list of these cheats whilst simply tying in 'help'.

Cheat List (as it appears in the game):

'ageuptonpc' - Usage: ageUpToNPC. Toggles option for toddler who is aging up to be a none-player controlled Sim in the household

'allowObjectsOnRoofs' - Usage: moveObjects [on|off]. Removes limitations for placing objects on roofs

'AlwaysAllowBuildBuy' - When enabled, build mode and buy mode won't disable themselves during fires and burglary. Usage: AlwaysAllowBuilBuy [true/false]

'BuyDebug' - Usage: buydebug [on|off]. Makes debug objects available for placement in buy mode

'constrainFloorElevation' - Usage: constrainFloorElevation [true|false]. Allow terrain adjustments regardless of objects/Sims/etc on them

'disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt' - Usage: disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt' [on|off]. When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT

'DiscoTags' - Turns disco map tags on/off

'discoverAllUnchartedIslands - Grants current active household all undiscovered islands

'enablellamas' - Usage: enableLlamas [on|off]

'EnableLotLocking' - enables toggling lot locking in the Edit Town Info Panel. Usage: EnableLotLocking [true/false]

'fadeObjects' - Usage: fadeObjects [on|off]. Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect Sims

'familyFunds' - Usage: familyFunds <household_name> <amount>. Sets family funds of named household

'fps' - Usage: fps [on|off}. Turns the frame rate display in the upper right corner on or off

'fullscreen' - Usage: fullscreen [on|off]

'hideHeadlineEffects' - Usage: hideHeadlineEffects [on|off]. Shows or hides talk/thought balloons above Sims heads

'jokePlease' - Prints randoms joke to the console

'maptags' - Usage: mapTags [on|off]. Toggles map tags on and off. This is most noticeable in Map View

'moveObjects' - Udage: moveObjects [on|off]. Removes limitations for placing/moving objects

'moviemakercheatsenabled' - Usage: moveiemakercheatsenabled [true|false]. Allow the use of movie maker cheats.

'OnToglePerformanceMeter' - Usage: OnTogglePerformanceMeter [on|off]. Sets performance score to value

'placeFriezes' - Usage: placeFriezes [on|off]. Set the deck foundation product to type frieze

'playsounds' - Usage: playSounds [on|off]. Toggle all sounds and music on and off

'quit' - Exits the game

'recordvideo - Usage: recordVideo [small|medium|large] [low|moderate|high|max]. Starts recording video with specified size and quality

'removeFloorCutout' - Usage: removeFloorCutout id

'resetSim' - Usage: resetSim <firstname> <lastname>. Returns Sim to a safe, neutral state at their home location

'RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings' - Usage: ResrtictBuildBuyInBuildings [on|off]. Removes restrictions for build/buy in buildings

'setFloorCutou' - Usage[float]: setFloorCutout centerx centerz sideLength id

'setImportedTerrainOffset - Usage: setImportedTerrainOffset [value]. Allows fixed terrain offset to be applied on import

'slowMotionViz' - Usage: slowMotionViz <0-8>. Puts visuals in slow motion. 0 = normal, 8 = slowest. Does not affect the speed of time in-game

'speed' - Usage: speed <0-4>. Sets game speed. 0 = paused, 4 = ultra speed through current actions

'unlockOutfits' - Usage: on/off - This must be entered before going into CAS. Shows career outfits and service uniforms

Note: To exit the command bar, simply press [Esc].

Happy Simming

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