This is Elliot Little: Day 2, Part 2

By Cantarella - 01:26:00

Day 2, Part 2
Dean has noticed that there’s a grave on the lot and realises what has happened. Having seen the picture of the girl that had once lived there he’s a bit saddened by the ordeal. He can’t afford to move though. He hopes she won’t haunt him! In order to honour her spirit he has decided to take care of the little garden that she has left.

He won’t be able to plant anything yet but he can still make a little money off of the harvest. I’m not sure if her ghost will appear at all.

After riding around a little Dean managed to get accepted for a job at the hospital! He is a step closer to his dream of becoming a surgeon. It’s been a long morning and a long day though and Dean is exhausted. Despite that he is looking forward to his job. He upgraded his table a little and got a chair to sit on and a sink. They were quite cheap and have left him with $157 but he would rather have them than not.

That concludes the second day.

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