This is Elliot Little: Day 1, Part 1

By Cantarella - 00:04:00

This is Elliot Little. Due to her parents dying when she was in her early teens, Elliot is struggling to not be homeless. She’s managed to snag a little piece of land with what little money she has. She thanked the real estate lady over and over and is now hoping things are looking up for her.

Day 1, Part 1
Elliot Little has moved into a small empty plot that cost only $800. Despite now having somewhere she can sleep, Elliot only has $1000 left. She needs to spend it wisely and get a job.

I created Elliot to be skinny, without muscle or toning, with very short hair and a rotation of only four pairs of pants, two shoes and four shirts. I chose her traits based on what I think will help her and what I think she would have developed from being homeless all those years beforehand. She has the following traits: Frugal, Green Thumb, Shy, Computer Whiz and Bookworm. She is an Aquarius, loves the colour lime, hamburgers and indie music. Elliot is also a witch with the Lifetime Wish ‘The Perfect Garden’.
The only cheats I have enabled are “hideHeadlineEffects on” and “moviemakereffects true” but neither will affect the game. They are merely for the story telling purposes. The only other cheat I have used is “familyFunds” and it was to lower her money to $1000. It will not be used again.

It’s currently summer and the new moon. Elliot’s goals are to build the cheapest stable living conditions, get a job and hopefully have a real roof over her head before winter comes.

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